Moda re-: Reducing CO2 from Clothing Bank Collections by 30%
Moda re- is Spain’s largest clothing bank operator with +7,500 clothing banks and +125 stores. They use all funds raised from selling donated clothing to finance charitable projects that help vulnerable groups of people. Moda re- is a social project under the Caritas umbrella organization, which also includes A Todo Trapo and Koopera.
- Reduce 30% of CO₂ emissions from collections
- Collect more clothes
- Combat theft
- +7500 sensors
Our goal is to effect positive social and environmental change by reusing and recycling textiles and generating job opportunities. Like most non-profit organizations, we work with somewhat limited resources. So, installing smart sensors in our clothing banks is helping us optimize and get the most out of what we have.
Alberto Egido, Chief Sustainability and Circularity Officer at Moda re-.
The Journey to Carbon-Efficient and Data-Driven Clothing Banks
Goal 1:
Reducing CO₂ Emissions from Collections by 30%
Prior to smart sensors, Moda re- collection vehicles were driving unnecessary routes, often servicing empty containers. This meant unnecessary driving distances, fuel consumption, and costs.
After 3 months with the initial deployment of intelligent routing, we’ve already seen a 5% improvement in carbon-efficient collections. And they are on track to achieve a 30% reduction in the course of 2023.
“Our overall goal is to cut 30% of CO₂ that occurs during our clothing bank collections. Gathering data on our operations with smart sensors means that we can reduce our emissions to fight the increasingly worrying climate emergency,” said Alberto Egido, Chief Sustainability and Circularity Officer at Moda re-.

Goal 2:
Collecting More Donations
Prior to smart sensors, Moda re-‘s employees were sometimes servicing empty containers and collecting more air than donations. But full and overflowing containers were also an issue. If met with a full clothing bank, people would leave their bags of donations on the street beside the container. Unfortunately, this contaminates donations and renders them unusable for Moda re-.
Now, the solution is empowering Moda re- to pick up more donations. The data provides a clear overview of container fill levels, and the system alerts the organization when clothing banks are full. This means that average container fill levels have increased, and they can avoid unnecessary pickups while prioritizing full containers before they become overflowing.

Goal 3:
Combating Container Theft with Asset Tracking
Localizing containers is a key issue for clothing bank operators. When clothing banks are moved around, for example, from one area of a shopping mall to another, operators have to send members of staff to the location for manual verification.
In addition, clothing containers are often a target for theft and vandalism. Criminals steal clothing banks, change the locks, and masquerade as a charity so they can use the containers as their own source of income.
A Moda re- container went missing in November 2022, but the Asset Tracking feature helped them find its location and retrieve it before any damage was inflicted.
Asset Tracking provides invaluable insight for localization management. Moda re- can now check container locations online without needing to send someone physically.
Why Did Moda re- Partner with Nordsense?
The clothing bank operator conducted a detailed comparative analysis of different suppliers as part of their smart sensor selection process. The superior connectivity options (Nordsense offers 2G and 4G CAT M1), the small sensor weight of 134g, and the timely delivery and installation of sensors were decisive factors in Moda re’s supplier decision.
Easy Installation of +7500 sensors
Together with Moda re-, Nordsense operates a widely deployed network with thousands of sensors. The project scaled rapidly from a few hundred to thousands of containers. With fast onboarding and quick installation by the Customer Success team, Nordsense was able to get Moda re- started with data-driven collections and their first 20 sensors within one week.
Customized Features
Some of Moda re-‘s needs are unique due to their national operations, multiple projects, and container locations. So, Nordsense developed new features to accommodate their requirements, including pre-specified opening hours for container collections and a tool that allows waste collectors to report on maintenance needs while on collection routes.

Next steps
Together with Nordsense, Moda re- will continue developing and improving its smart solution. Although the solution covers most of Spain, some spots have yet to experience smart collections, and we will continue expanding the project.
In addition, Moda re- hopes to become responsible for municipal textile collections, and we look forward to assisting them in this area.
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